Talk Moves

Objectives of Talk Moves Professional Development (PD) Series:

The Talk Moves PD series will provide an overview of i) what talk moves is and where it fits in the Ontario Language Curriculum (2023), ii) how educators and students can use talk moves in their class to have rich discussions, and iii) other tips for promoting oral language and participation via class talk. A new module will be released about every month.

Discussion Forum
Join the discussion forum to share your questions and experience with Talk Moves. This link will take you to the Piazza forum, hosted by Western University. If you have difficulties joining, please email Dr. Pham at

Sign-up/link (you can use a pseudonym): 
Access Code: talkmoves

Module 1 - Links to Curriculum  
By the end of this module, you will:
• Be able to describe the Simple View of Reading
• Be briefly introduced to talk moves
• Understand the link between talk moves and the revised Ontario Language Curriculum (2023)

Click on the image to complete Module 1. This module will take about 10-15 minutes.


Please copy and paste the link below into a browser, if clicking the image above does not automatically open.

Module 2 - Theory and Norms  
By the end of this module, you will:
• Understand the different formats of class talk
• Learn about the theory and research motivating talk moves
• Reflect on how and when to set norms for using talk moves in class

Click on the image to complete Module 2. This module will take about 15-20 minutes.


Please copy and paste the link below into a browser, if clicking the image above does not automatically open.

Module 3 - Answer  
By the end of this module, you will:
• Learn about the Answer talk move, including Wait Time and Partner Talk
• Understand how the Answer talk move supports language and learning
• See real-life examples of educators and students using this talk move
• Reflect on how and when to introduce and use the 'Answer' family of talk moves in your class

Click on the image to complete Module 3. This module will take about 20 minutes.


Please copy and paste the link below into a browser, if clicking the image above does not automatically open.

Module 4 - Agree and Disagree  
By the end of this module, you will:
• Learn about the Agree and Disagree talk moves
• Understand how the Agree and Disagree talk moves support critical thinking and academic vocabulary
• Students love using Agree/Disagree. See and hear why!
• Reflect on how and when to introduce and use the Agree and Disagree talk moves in your class

Click on the image to complete Module 4. This module will take about 20-25 minutes.


Please copy and paste the link below into a browser, if clicking the image above does not automatically open.

Module 5 - Repeat

 By the end of this module, you will:
• Learn about the Repeat talk move
• Understand how listening and repeating will benefit students' learning and language
• Hear from teachers and students themselves the Repeat talk move builds a classroom culture of listening
• Reflect how and when to introduce and use the Repeat talk move in your class
Click on the image to complete Module 5. This module will take about 25 minutes.
Image with talk moves icons

Please copy and paste the link below into a browser, if clicking the image above does not automatically open.